Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Year - New Resolutions in Dog Training

Here we are in 2014. Jack is older - almost 9 years old now! It has been a learning experience training Jack. He is an AMAZING teacher! We have had some ups and downs since our last post. The highlights are as follows:

  1. Jack competed in DOCOF in the Novice level in 2011 and tied for 12th place with a 192 in a field of 112 Novice dogs!! 
  2. Jack earned his Companion Dog title from the AKC!!!
  3. Jack is a Novice Trick Dog!
  4. We took our first agility course and completed it.
  5. Future agility classes have been put on hold while we work on some issues.
  6. We enrolled in Susan Garrett's Recaller's program in early 2013. We are still working the program.
  7. We are now having fun with Susan Garrett's Puppy Peaks. Big smile here.
Now I resolve in 2014 to:

  • Continue building a bond with Jack through many fun games.
  • Work on "Back to the Basics" with Jack.
  • Create an A-W-E-S-O-M-E recall.
  • Build Jack's attention and focus to me through more games.
  • Train to earn the Graduate Novice title.
  • Get our relationship built to complete the Companion Dog Excellent title.
Concentration on playing games with Jack is paramount. Training needs to be FUN!

Now, what are your training resolutions?

Walking in obedience...